Living Positively by Tapping into your Subconscious Mind Powers

close up of yogi woman meditating at yoga studio

Happy Mind – Happy Life

Life is a very beautiful gift God has given to us and we must embrace it till the end. Difficulties are part and parcel of life and everyone must accept it. And tough times often make us feel low and unhappy. But life is short and we must make every moment count by living happily. It may sound tricky but with few simple steps, one can learn how to live a positive happy life.

Never compare yourself to others

One of the reasons why people feel unhappy is they compare what they have with what others have. This leads to disappointment, especially when you know you cannot get those things. But one thing you must understand is that the grass is always green on the other side. You never know what kind of problems that other person is having in his life. So it is best to start appreciating what you have and you will feel satisfied with it.

Have positive thoughts in mind

With the help of mind power, you can easily eliminate negative thoughts and fill it with positive ones. You should put aside your fears, jealousy, greed, hatred, sorrow, vengeance and deceit. All these things only bring bad to you and cannot help you on a longer run. Once you start thinking that way, your mind will be free from all negative thoughts.

Find reasons to be happy

Try to spend time with your loved ones and take an opportunity of even the smallest things as a joke to laugh and be happy. Be jovial and always wear a smile on your face. Celebrate smaller occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries with your loved ones. Give surprises to your wife, girlfriend or even your kids. Even a small things like a rose or a chocolate can bring a smile on their faces. Feel proud about having made someone happy that gives you a sense of achievement.

Role of subconscious mind in being happy

All your happy and memorable moments such as wedding day, your child’s birth, the day you proposed your girl, your childhood happy moments, etc are stored in your mind. You need to make it a habit to think about those moments whenever you are feeling low or sad for some reason. It instantly cherishes your mood and helps you overcome any sad moment. Once you make it a habit, your subconscious mind will keep reminding you to think about them and feel happy.